
This is my big question of the day. We all have different lives, and different ideas as to what is at the top of our priority list, and what is at the bottom. That is a good thing since I think we would all be a little boring if we were all the same.

Some of us work full-time jobs outside the home, have young children and still find time to write. Tell me how you do that. Some of us don’t do anything else but write, and some of us are all over the place and are disorganized and just do whatever we think of in that minute. Which one are you?

Another question for you all. Do you find it easier to stay organized the more busy your life is? I mean, like you are so busy that you have no choice but to be organized right? Either that or you would miss a lot of stuff and be frazzled half of the time. 🙂

I am just curious to all of this because I think that I have been in every situation and am just curious as to how others prioritize. When I worked two jobs and had small children I was never able to get any writing done…at all, which is sad considering all that I had to say back then. ha ha ha

And now, I work from home, my children are older and I do get a lot of writing done, BUT, if my day has an interruption, like an appointment, a volunteer day or whatever, I am completely lost. My little routine is out of whack and I feel dazed and confused. Ok, well, maybe not that bad, but it does mess me up a bit.

I am still putting my writing last though. My family comes first, obviously, then my work and then my writing. The part that confuses me is that my work that I do from home is writing, but writing for others. My writing that I do for myself makes me a heck of a lot more money than my “job” does, so why do I put that higher on my list? I say because it is for someone else and I want to have a good name and all of that, but doesn’t my own writing do the same thing?

Anyway, that is my question for the day. Hearing all of your prioritizing ideas will be great information to have. Thank you!!